29 nov. 2014


I have had several requests for the recipe for my delicious "kärleksmums". (Translates somewhat into Love-nomnoms) :D
So here it comes, recipe in two parts - one for the cake, one for the glazing.

150 g butter/margarine
2 eggs
4,5 dl flour
3 dl sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
2 teaspoons vanilla sugar
1,5 dl milk
2 teaspoons baking powder

- Melt the butter and then add milk, leave it to cool while doing the rest 
- Mix egg and sugar together.
- Add the vanilla and cocoa powder. Mix.
- In a seperate bowl mix the flour with the baking powder.
- Finally, add the buttermix and the flourmix into the sugarmix, and mix everything carefully together.

Put "greaseproof paper" on a wide pan and spread the batter on it. Oven should be 200-225 degrees, and the cake will be ready in about 10 minutes. Since it's a thin cake you must watch it so it doesn't burn.  

50 g butter/margarine
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
2 teaspoons vanilla sugar
3 tablespoons coffee or water
3 dl icing sugar (florsocker) 

Melt the butter, add the vanilla sugar and cocoa powder and mix well. 
Then add the icing sugar and the coffee/water and mix again. 

Spread over the cake while it's still hot and then add whatever topping you want. 

Nuts, chopped chocolate (will melt since the glazing is warm still), coconut flakes... :D

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